Wednesday, September 12, 2012

No Apple allowed?

Everyone must  be anxiously waiting for the new iPhone announcement like me. Was thinking of staying up for the news, but a quick Google shows 10 am Wednesday in San Francisco will be around 3 am Thursday Sydney time - still have to go to work tomorrow, so probably have to wait until tomorrow morning then....:-(

Ok, what's this "No Apple allowed?" thing I mentioned in the title, you might ask. Well, it's just that I recall seeing this sign a few weeks back:

If you compare it to the old Apple logo shown below, I think it's around 95% similar if you remove the circle and line. Don't you agree?

So, a sign saying "No Apple products allowed?" Well, technically, there's no clear explanation about what it is banning, but if I show you the whole thing you will get the idea. It's like this:

Yes, I guess it probably means "no food allowed" as it's next to the more-easy-to-understand "no smoking" sign. But why do they use the Apple logo??!! 

Where is this place? It's the Hyde Park Barracks Museum in Sydney...

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Hope this gives you a small laugh while waiting for the new iPhone announcement.... And hope Apple won't sue the museum and ask them to change the sign!!??!!


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