Saturday, March 10, 2012

Be ware of issue with Microsoft Word

Was following the example by Sean Berry on Ray Wenderlich's site about how to Localize an iPhone app, and found it quite interesting.

I was playing around with Google translate on my PC to translate a few text messages to Japanese. Urh... no, I don't understand anything about Japanese, so I got absolutely no idea what it says...

As Notepad can't copy those special characters, I just copy and paste it into a Microsoft Word document.

However, after I copied the file to Xcode on my Mac, I was then stuck with this strange error for a while: "Validation failed: The data couldn't be read because it has been corrupted." What the???!!!

I tried a few things (remove a few lines here and there) and finally confirmed it's something to do with these few lines... Then stared at it for a long time as I got no idea what those characters said...

Finally, I noticed the colour difference with the part as highlighted below. The ending semi-column should be in black colour, not red. Why? because bloody Microsoft Word converts the double quotes to special characters that Xcode can't recognise! ^$$@$%#^%%&*!


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