Thursday, April 26, 2012

First App "Where Is It Smart Kids Edition" submitted to App Store

After a few weeks' "intensive" hard work, finally submitted my first app "Where Is It Smart Kids Edition" to App Store for review. (read: sick of working on it after so long, can't wait to get rid of it to start working on something else....)

It's just the "heavily modified" Cocos2dCupInDice project I had before.

The submitted time is around 10pm 26/04/2012 Sydney time. Interested to see how long it takes to get a response or receive result.

Whether it's accepted or rejected, it's a learning experience for me, doesn't really matter. Will post further information here if there's any update. Wish me good luck with my first app!

Some of the things I learned today (during the various attempts to submit) are:

1) The "Application Loader" thing (a very confusing name, should be called "In-App Purchase Helper") is useless unless you are doing in-app purchase. I downloaded and installed it, studied the instruction for a while and wasted some time on it. So if your App is free like mine, just ignore it. The update is done - not through "Application Loader", not throughout "iTunes Connect" site - but from Xcode.

2) Be careful when you upload the icons and screen dump images (as part of the application setup process). The annoying is, after you uploaded and saved, YOU CAN'T CHANGE IT!!!!!

Yes, I thought I just add one screen dump as a test first, and will come back later to add more, then it's locked and I can't add more or change or delete or do anything. Or may be it's because I did something dumb which proceed to the next step that caused it to be in locked mode? Any way, I now only have a very simple screen dump there, from what I read on the Net, looks like you have to upload another version (ver ?) then you will be allowed to change the icon or images... very annoying.

So if you are setting up your application, be careful with that.

That's about it, finally can relax a bit for the weekend. Next thing will be to plan/think about which one to work on next.

Remember the "10000 hour rule"? Have faith with what you are doing, keep trying and work hard!

[Update 07/05/2012] I think during your first submission, after you updated the "screenshots"and other stuffs, as long as you don't click the "Ready to upload Binary" button then you probably can keep changing it. Once you clicked on it, you can't change it until your app been approved.


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