Monday, September 5, 2011

Instrument 4.1 (Build 4138)/ Xcode 4.1 (Build 4B110) still hung when profiling Project from Apple on OS X 10.7 Lion

I was thinking, may be it's my code - won't be too surprise if a project written by newbie like me causing problems isn't it?

Ok, so I then tried this "AlternateView" sample code from Apple, and guess what? It hung too!! Ha ha, that makes me feel much better...

Tried to search Internet and found this post on stack about similar issue.

It also talks about starting up Instrument first, then switch back to Xcode to do profiling. I was able to get it working once, and then it stops responding again....

This is very painful, will wait for Apple to fix it then. Before that, will have to do all my profiling on the 10.6.7 box...


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